Be. Here. Now.

Dasein Yoga and Healing invites you to explore the universal energies and its connection to our bodies and minds. The goal is to wake up the infinite potential that every human has inside them. Right now I offer two modalities to help you feel and do your very best in life: Kundalini Yoga and Sound Healing.
Informational part of the class - details and significance
Setting the intention and connecting to the universal wisdom
Exercises that were designed to achieve specific goals
Kundalini Yoga Class Structure

Deep relaxation
Complete letting go of all the physical and mental activities
Focusing inward, clearing the subconscious, rewiring the mind
Ending the practice with inspiration and gratitude for the day
Kundalini Yoga brings balance to the body, mind and soul. Through a set of sientifically designed exercizes it enables you to tame your mind and emotions, so you can be in control of yourself, rather than being controlled by your thoughts and feelings.
Sound and vibrational healing with Himalayan singing bowls is an effective and proven modality that helps with rewiring brain neurons, thus cultivating better health and reducing stress.
Choose Your Experience Here
I now find myself in a position ready to share my knowledge and experience with others so they too may find peace, happiness, self-empowerment, and ultimately take a step towards a holistic well being.
With Love and Light,
Sincerely Tatiana

Contact Info
Salt Lake City, UT
(801) 448-6239
Open Hours
Mon-Fri 6-10 am
Mon-Fri 6-8 pm
Sat/Sun 10am-6pm
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Radiant Renewal